Finding Common Ground with the Common Core
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More than five years since its rollout, the Common Core State Standards Initiative is still making headlines: “It’s Not Like a Switch That You Can Flick on Overnight: Four Teachers on Adapting to Common Core,” “The new Common Core lie: Parents who opt out are not the problem,” “Quell New York’s Education Firestorm.” These are just a sampling of the articles published the very same week we wrote this Reader Guide. The Common Core remains the hottest topic in education.
Heidi Moisan’s article, “Finding Common Ground with the Common Core,” brings attention to the various ways museums have responded to the Common Core and how the initiative has had an impact on museum education pedagogy. The questions in this Reader Guide are designed to generate a reflective discussion about your institution’s perspective on program development, your own teaching practice, and certain other factors of museum education as they relate to and are influenced by the Common Core.
You can download the guide here.