JME 45.1: Museums and Public Climate Action

From the Editors
Sarah Sutton & Cynthia Robinson
Advancing Community Science Literacy
William Spitzer & John Fraser
Why Museums? Museums as Conveners on Climate Change
Pat Hamilton & Evelyn Christian Ronning
Learn, Prepare, Act: “Throwing Shade” on Climate Change
Jeremy S. Hoffman
Reality Check: Adding Plastic to Natural History
Sarah Younan & Jade Jenkins
Convening Young Leaders for Climate Resilience
Jennifer Krester & Katie Chandler
The Critical Role Research and Evaluation Assume in the Post-truth Era of Climate Change
Rose Jones, Nazia Hussain, & Mike Spiewak
A Terrible Beauty: Art and Learning in the Anthropocene
Shiralee Hudson Hill
Meeting Expectations: Assessing the Gap Between Administrative Intention and Visitor Experience at a University Art Gallery
V. Camille Westmont, Amelia Hood, Timothy Penn, Magda Mankel & Madhyatu Taylor
Supporting Facilitators of Maker Activities Through Reflective Practice
Sabrina Moore, Joseph Roche, Laura Bell & Emer Emily Neenan