JME 44.2: Expanding our Community of Practice: Professional Development in Museums

Thoughts on the History of Professional Development Programs in Museums
Cynthia Robinson
Expanding Our Community of Practice: Professional Development in Museums
Elisabeth Nevins
Redefining Professional Learning for Museum Education
Lynn Uyen Tran, Preeti Gupta & David Bader
Embracing Individualism and Encouraging Personal Style in Gallery Teaching
Amy Briggs Kemeza
Creating and Sustaining a Culture of Reflective Practice: Professional Development by and for Museum-Based Maker Educators
Rebecca Grabman, Talia Stol, Annie McNamara & Lisa Brahms
Invigorating the Muses in the Art Museum with the Performing Arts
Susan Martis & Christine Fleming
Structuring Teacher Independence to Transform Student Learning in the Museums
Rebecca Krucoff
Connecting Theory and Practice: Using Place-Based Learning in Teacher Professional Development
Maia Sheppard, Karen Kortecamp, Sarah Jencks, Jake Flack & Alexandria Wood
Providing Teachers With What They Need: Re-thinking Historic Site-based Professional Development After Small-scale Assessment
Krystal Kornegay Rose, Sarah Cahill & Christine Baron
The Museum Education Department as Training Ground for Scholar-Educators
Maeve Montalvo
Slow Looking: The Art and Practice of Learning Through Observation
Vivian Chun-Wei Lin