JME 40.2: Distance Learning and Museums

From the Editor-in-Chief
Cynthia Robinson
From the Guest Editor
Going the Distance: Online Learning and the Museum
Anne Kraybill
Pedagogy and Practice in Museum Online Learning
Herminia Din
Webcasting for Secondary Students: Notes from the Field
Naomi Coquillon and James Staples
The Flipped Museum: Leveraging Technology to Deepen Learning
Michelle H. Harrell and Emily Kotecki
Engaging Students Online with the Smithsonian: A Case Study
Lynn-Steven Engelke
Embracing Change: Museum Educators in the Digital Age
Claire Moore
Developing a Model for Technology-Based Museum School Partnerships
Erika Sanger, Stan Silverman, Anne Kraybill
MOOCs and Museums: Not Such Strange Bedfellows
Lisa Mazzola
Building Capacity and Sustaining Endeavors
Anne Kraybill and Herminia Din
What the Research Says
The Value of Educators “on the Floor”: Comparing Three Modes of Presenting Science On a Sphere®
Jeff Hayward and Jolene K. Hart
The Effect of Live Interpretation with Theater on Attitudes and Learning of Children in the Mythbusters Exhibit
C. Aaron Price, Katherine Gean, Heather Barnes
Tools, Frameworks, and Case Studies
How Might You…? Seeking Inquiry in the Museum Studio
Hollie Ecker and Sarah Mostow