JME 43.4: On the Floor: Museum Teaching Techniques in the 21st Century

From the Editor-in-Chief
Cynthia Robinson
On the Floor: Museum Teaching Techniques in the 21st Century
Elisabeth Nevins
Learning from Doing: The Evolution of a Dialogue-Based Program about Race
Jason Porter & Sydney S. Garcia
A Polyphonic Experience and a Mute Technology
Kamma Lauridsen
Visitor to Visitor Learning: Setting up an Open-Ended Inquiry in an Unstaffed Space
Phillippa Pitts
Combining Art with Science to Go Beyond Scientific Facts in a Narrative Environment
Petra Bättig-Frey, Monica Ursina Jäger, & Regula Treichler Bratschi
Thinking about How We Think: Promoting Museum Literacy Skills with Metacognition
Sarah Sims
ArtInSight: A Contemplative Approach to Museum Gallery Teaching and Learning
Lauren Dickstein Thompson & Amanda Tobin
Empathy and Analogy in Museum Education
William Crow & David Bowles
Drawn to Nature: A Developmentally Based Exploration of Art and Science
Katherine Aragon & Rebecca Hirschwerk
Developing Close Looking, Creativity, and Community Through Writing and Art
Mary Hall Surface & Nathalie Ryan
Constructing Knowledge Together: Collaborating with and Understanding Young Adults with Autism
Sam Theriault & Beth Redmond Jones
Empowering Identity Through Art: Bilingual Co-Teaching at the Blanton Museum of Art
Meredith Lehman, Sabrina Phillips & Saenz Williams
Immigration & Change in Rhode Island’s Golden Age: A Program for Adult English Language Learners
Cathy Saunders & Samantha Hunter
Be the Change: A Mindset for Museum Teaching
Mariruth Leftwich & Amanda McAllen