Community Events + Resources

August Forum

August Forum: Identifying and Transforming Racism in Museum Education

| August 8, 2017 - 10:00 AM

Using the latest issue of the Journal of Museum Education as their jumping off point, guest editors Keonna Hendricks and Marit Dewhurst will engage workshop participants in a critical examination of the ways race and racism manifest in both their institutions and their personal practice. They will offer examples of anti-racist practices that participants can apply to their work.

The workshop will be followed by an optional brown-bag lunch discussion with Keonna, JME Editor-in-Chief Cynthia Robinson, and members of the Museum Education Roundtable (MER) board.

For more details and to register for the August Forum, click here.

AAM 2017 – Happy Hour With MER and EdCom

| May 8, 2017 - 5:00PM

Are you coming to #AAM2017?

Unwind with your Museum Education colleagues at a Happy Hour hosted by MER and EdCom!

Monday, May 8, 5:00-6:30pm

The Over/Under Bar & Grill

The first 50 guests receive a free drink. Free appetizers while supplies last. Full food and drink menu available for purchase.

The Over/Under Bar & Grill is located at 911 Washington Avenue, just one block west of the America’s Center in the T-REX building.