Museum Visions: A Blog Space

Looking Inward

This space was created by the Museum Education Roundtable to expand upon the most recent Journal of Museum Education (JME) issue, reflect on member events, and address timely issues that we face in the field of museum work. Read about how to write for our blog here.

Confessions of a #MuseumEd Mama

If you’re a museum professional, it’s likely that you can never just visit a museum. While you’re there, you may be evaluating interactions with staff, filing away mental notes about interpretive text, or low key judging design choices in exhibitions. Like the barista who can no longer stand the smell of coffee, a unique downside of working in leisure spaces … Read More

What Can We Do? Reflections on Access in Museum Education

How can we increase visitor access in our work as a museum educators? Often, when thinking about accessibility, I am overwhelmed by large, structural, and costly changes that I, an educator, am unable to change in the museum. Because switching out furniture,  purchasing new equipment, or increasing budgets to make these accommodations is not within our current sphere of influence, … Read More