Museum Visions: A Blog Space


This space was created by the Museum Education Roundtable to expand upon the most recent Journal of Museum Education (JME) issue, reflect on member events, and address timely issues that we face in the field of museum work. Read about how to write for our blog here.

Going the Distance

Every once in a while, something happens to make me realize that change can happen. In this case, the change is both technological and pedagogical. Thinking back to 20 plus years ago, I remember talking to the tech team at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art to see if we could create an online curriculum interface that allowed for … Read More

Asking Beautiful, Scary Questions…

I recently enjoyed traveling to the great city of Denver, Colorado and participating in the Leading the Future of Museum Education: Challenges and Opportunities, a convening of an amazing group of museum leaders from across the country. This event, co-hosted by Bank Street College’s Leadership in Museum Education and the Education Professional Network (EdCom) of the American Alliance of Museums, … Read More

An Editor Reminisces

I still recall my first official meeting with publisher Mitch Allen at a Vietnamese restaurant in Washington, DC in December 2005. As I dribbled spring roll sauce on the white paper tablecloth, we discussed the ins and outs of the new partnership between Left Coast Press and MER. One piece of advice from Mitch particularly stuck with me: if you … Read More

Diversity and Slow Change

Museum Education Roundtable (MER) was out in force at the 2015 AAM Annual Meeting last week in Atlanta. Board members, including me, enjoyed connecting with members new and old at our joint reception with EdCom at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia, the EdCom Marketplace of Ideas, and our newest tradition—MER Happy Hour. The theme of this year’s AAM … Read More

A Visual History of the JME

In “looking back” on my own history, I realize my interest in the visual design of the Journal of Museum Education should come as no surprise. I’ve always seemed to find a design-focus in my professional and volunteer work. And personal; I married a designer. So, when I learned the JME was mid-redesign when I joined the Museum Education Roundtable (MER) … Read More

Looking Back: Evaluation & Research

For several years now I have served on the selection committee for the California Association of Museums’ Superintendent’s Awards for Excellence in Museum Education. As a requirement of the nominations process, applicants must describe their program evaluation methodology. In reviewing these statements, I have found that some museum educators and their institutions show sophistication and in-depth understanding of processes as … Read More

Looking Back, Looking Forward

Though I never planned on it, I’ve moved around a bit in my life—from the east coast to the west coast to the southwest and back east. Each time I moved, it was an adventure, with challenges and benefits. There is nothing like relocating to introduce you to a new part of the country. But ironically, even as I settled … Read More