Museum Visions: A Blog Space


This space was created by the Museum Education Roundtable to expand upon the most recent Journal of Museum Education (JME) issue, reflect on member events, and address timely issues that we face in the field of museum work. Read about how to write for our blog here.

MER’s 2nd Annual Excellence in Writing Awards

For the second year, the Museum Education Roundtable (MER) is presenting its annual Awards for Writing Excellence and Editorial Excellence for the Journal of Museum Education (JME). Funded cooperatively between MER and our publishers, Taylor & Francis, these prizes are awarded each year to one or more authors and editors in recognition of the high levels of scholarly dedication, original … Read More

Conversations about Equity

I had the privilege of attending the 2019 Museum Association of New York Annual Conference (MANY), Identity and Access, in Cooperstown, NY earlier this month. While I—like many museum professionals—love conferences, I was especially excited for MANY 2019, as it was my first time leading a session. On the second day, I led a lunch roundtable discussion called “DEIA Statements: … Read More

What Can We Do? Reflections on Access in Museum Education

How can we increase visitor access in our work as a museum educators? Often, when thinking about accessibility, I am overwhelmed by large, structural, and costly changes that I, an educator, am unable to change in the museum. Because switching out furniture,  purchasing new equipment, or increasing budgets to make these accommodations is not within our current sphere of influence, … Read More

JME in Action: The Third Space, Cultural Hybridity and The Art Museum

The Journal of Museum Education’s issue On the Floor: Museum Teaching Techniques in the 21st Century includes the article “Empowering Identity Through Art: Bilingual Co-Teaching at the Blanton Museum of Art.” Here, one of the co-authors, Sabrina Mooroogen-Phillips, describes the “intimate task of unraveling our culture” with teachers. In the fall of 2018, The Blanton Museum of Art in Austin, … Read More

MCN 2018 Recap: I Did a Technology! Now What?

A few weeks ago, museum technology professionals from across the globe convened in Denver for the 2018 Museum Computer Network Conference, Humanizing the Digital. Following two and a half days of intensive workshops, talks, and sessions, the conference closed with 45-minute “unconference” sessions proposed by attendees through the course of the conference. Along with Seema Rao of Brilliant Idea Studio, … Read More

Year-End Update from the MER President

re·spon·sive·ness /rəˈspänsivnəs/ noun 1. the quality of reacting quickly and positively. As museum educators, we invest a lot of effort learning and honing teaching strategies and skills that enable us to be responsive to the varied backgrounds, interests, and preferences of visitors. We practice creating an inclusive, audience-centered environment and facilitating dialogue through open-ended questioning, active listening, paraphrasing, linking, and … Read More

Why use Illustrations?

I was thrilled to be asked to create some illustrations for a recent issue of the Journal of Museum Education. While not an illustrator by trade, I often use illustrations on the blog that I publish about issues in the museum field. Over the years, I have used pictures to help people understand museums’ lack of neutrality, the myth of … Read More