Museum Visions: A Blog Space


This space was created by the Museum Education Roundtable to expand upon the most recent Journal of Museum Education (JME) issue, reflect on member events, and address timely issues that we face in the field of museum work. Read about how to write for our blog here.

Moonlighting for MER

What does moonlighting mean to you? Dictionaries define it as a second job after a main job’s hours, sometimes to earn extra income, sometimes to sharpen skills, sometimes to rebuild enthusiasm by learning something new. For me, I’ve called my five years on the Museum Education Roundtable’s Board of Directors “moonlighting” because during those years MER helped me expand my … Read More

Docents 2.0

My cell phone has been prompting me daily now for a couple of weeks (or longer?) to update it to the newest version of its operating system. Each time, I tell it to remind me later. When I stop and ask myself why I keep putting it off, there are a couple of reasons: running the update takes time away … Read More

Reflecting on the Year Ahead

With the hustle and bustle of the holidays behind us, I love the beginning of the New Year because it offers us an opportunity to take a step back from our work, to reflect on what has happened throughout the past year, and to look ahead to things we’d like to accomplish in the year ahead. I finally have the … Read More